Source code for jyro.simulator.simulator

A Pure Python 2D Robot Simulator

(c) 2017 Calysto Developers. Licensed under the GNU GPL.

import time
import math
import random
import base64
import html
import sys
import io
import os
import threading

from jyro.simulator.color import colorMap, colorCode
from jyro.simulator.canvas import Canvas

from import Color
import PIL.Image
import ipywidgets
from IPython.display import display
from ipywidgets import (HTML, Button, VBox, HBox, IntSlider, Select, Text,
                        Layout, Label, FloatSlider, Checkbox, IntText,
                        Box, Accordion, FloatText, Output, Widget, register,
                        widget_serialization, DOMWidget)
from traitlets import Bool, Dict, Int, Float, Unicode, List, Instance

PIOVER180 = math.pi / 180.0
PIOVER2   = math.pi / 2.0
RESOLUTION = 7        # decimal places in making comparisons, rounding
MAXRAYLENGTH = 1000.0 # some large measurement in meters

## Support functions

[docs]def sgn(v): """ Return the sign of v. >>> sgn(13) 1 >>> sgn(-2) -1 """ if v >= 0: return +1 else: return -1
[docs]def normRad(x): """ Compute angle in range radians(-180) to radians(180) >>> "%.2f" % normRad(90) '2.04' >>> "%.2f" % normRad(-90) '-2.04' """ while (x > math.pi): x -= 2 * math.pi while (x < -math.pi): x += 2 * math.pi return x
[docs]class Light(): """ A light source. Args: x (float): x coordinate y (float): y coordinate brightness (float): illumination, typically 1.0 color (Color): an instance of the Color class that defines an RGB value Example: >>> lgt = Light(3, 2, 1.0, Color(100,100,100)) >>> lgt.reset() """ def __init__(self, x, y, brightness, color): self._xyb = (x, y, brightness) self.reset() if isinstance(color, str): self.color = colorMap[color] else: self.color = color if isinstance(self.color, str): self.rgb = colorMap[self.color] else: self.rgb = self.color
[docs] def reset(self): self.x, self.y, self.brightness = self._xyb
[docs] def draw(self, canvas): radius = 0.25 # meters x, y, brightness, color = ((self.x), (self.y), radius, self.color) canvas.drawCircle(x, y, brightness, fill=color, outline=color)
[docs]class Segment(): """ Represent a line segment. >>> segment = Segment((0,0), (0,10), 42, "wall") >>> segment.length() 10.0 """ def __init__(self, start, end, id=None, type=None): self.start = [round(v, RESOLUTION) for v in start] self.end = [round(v, RESOLUTION) for v in end] = id self.type = type self.vertical = self.start[0] == self.end[0] if not self.vertical: self.slope = round((self.end[1] - self.start[1])/ (self.end[0] - self.start[0]), RESOLUTION) self.yintercept = round(self.start[1] - self.start[0] * self.slope, RESOLUTION)
[docs] def length(self): return math.sqrt((self.start[0] - self.end[0])**2 + (self.start[1] - self.end[1])**2)
[docs] def angle(self): return math.atan2(self.end[1] - self.start[1], self.end[0] - self.start[0])
[docs] def parallel(self, other): if self.vertical: return other.vertical elif other.vertical: return 0 else: return self.slope == other.slope
# return the point at which two segments would intersect if they extended # far enough
[docs] def intersection(self, other): if self.parallel(other): # the segments may intersect eventually, but we don't care return None elif self.vertical: return other.intersection(self) elif other.vertical: return (other.start[0], self.yintercept + other.start[0] * self.slope) else: # m1x + b1 = m2x + b2; so # (m1 - m2)x + b1 - b2 == 0 # (m1 - m2)x = b2 - b1 # x = (b2 - b1)/(m1 - m2) # figure intersect: # putting a round() around both of these next 2 computations caused problems: x = ((other.yintercept - self.yintercept) / (self.slope - other.slope)) return (x, self.yintercept + x * self.slope)
[docs] def in_bbox(self, point): return (((self.end[0] <= round(point[0], RESOLUTION) <= self.start[0]) or (self.start[0] <= round(point[0], RESOLUTION) <= self.end[0])) and ((self.end[1] <= round(point[1], RESOLUTION) <= self.start[1]) or (self.start[1] <= round(point[1], RESOLUTION) <= self.end[1])))
[docs] def on_line(self, point): # is a point collinear with this line if self.vertical: return round(point[0], RESOLUTION) == self.start[0] else: return (round(point[0] * self.slope + self.yintercept, RESOLUTION) == round(point[1]), RESOLUTION)
[docs] def intersects(self, other): if self.parallel(other): # they can "intersect" if they are collinear and overlap if not (self.in_bbox(other.start) or self.in_bbox(other.end)): return None elif self.vertical: if self.start[0] == other.start[0]: return self.intersection(other) else: return None else: if self.yintercept == other.yintercept: return self.intersection(other) else: return None else: i = self.intersection(other) if self.in_bbox(i) and other.in_bbox(i): return i else: return None
[docs]class Physics(): """ >>> physics = Physics() """ def __init__(self): """ All distances in meters, angles in radians. .world - list of Segments, used for determining collisions, views .shapes - list of things to draw .lights - list of light sources """ self.robots = [] self.robotsByName = {} = [] self.time = 0.0 self.timeslice = 100 # in milliseconds self.lightAboveWalls = 0 = ["stall", "x", "y", "th", "thr", "energy"] # connections to pyrobot: self.ports = [] self.assoc = {} self.done = 0 self.stepCount = 0 self.running = 0 self.lights = [] self.shapes = []
[docs] def update_idletasks(self): pass
[docs] def mainloop(self): self.running = 1 while not self.done: self.step() time.sleep(self.timeslice/1000.0) # to run in real time self.running = 0
def __getitem__(self, name): if name in self.robotsByName: return self.robotsByName[name] else: return None
[docs] def addBox(self, ulx, uly, lrx, lry, fill="purple", wallcolor=None): if wallcolor is None: wallcolor = fill ulx, lrx = min(ulx, lrx), max(ulx, lrx) uly, lry = max(uly, lry), min(uly, lry) self.addWall( ulx, uly, ulx, lry, wallcolor) self.addWall( ulx, uly, lrx, uly, wallcolor) self.addWall( ulx, lry, lrx, lry, wallcolor) self.addWall( lrx, uly, lrx, lry, wallcolor) self.addShape(Box((ulx, uly), (lrx, lry), fill=fill, outline=wallcolor))
[docs] def addWall(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, color="black"): seg = Segment((x1, y1), (x2, y2), len( + 1, "wall") seg.color = color seg.type = "wall"
[docs] def addShape(self, shape): self.shapes.append(shape)
[docs] def addLight(self, x, y, brightness, color="yellow"): self.lights.append(Light(x, y, brightness, color))
[docs] def resetPaths(self): pass
[docs] def resetPath(self, pos): pass
[docs] def reset(self): for r in self.robots: r.reset() r.updateDevices() for l in self.lights: l.reset()
[docs] def draw(self, canvas, scale=None, ignore=[], trace=False): """ ignore can be a list of any of ["shapes", "robots", "lights"] """ canvas.max_x = max([segment.start[0] for segment in] + [segment.end[0] for segment in]) canvas.max_y = max([segment.start[1] for segment in] + [segment.end[1] for segment in]) if scale is None: if canvas.height is None: canvas.scale = canvas.width/canvas.max_x elif canvas.width is None: canvas.scale = canvas.height/canvas.max_y else: canvas.scale = min(canvas.width/canvas.max_x, canvas.height/canvas.max_y) else: canvas.scale = scale if canvas.height is None: canvas.height = canvas.max_y * canvas.scale if canvas.width is None: canvas.width = canvas.max_x * canvas.scale canvas.clear() if "shapes" not in ignore: for shape in self.shapes: shape.draw(canvas) if "lights" not in ignore: for light in self.lights: light.draw(canvas) ## Anything in the overlay gets added here: if "robots" not in ignore: for robot in self.robots: if trace: if (robot._px, robot._py) != (robot._gx, robot._py): canvas._overlay.scale = canvas.scale canvas._overlay.max_y = canvas.max_y canvas._overlay.drawLine(robot._px, robot._py, robot._gx, robot._gy, width=1, outline="purple") canvas._canvas.shapes.extend(canvas._overlay._canvas.shapes) if "robots" not in ignore: for robot in self.robots: robot.draw(canvas) return canvas
[docs] def addRobot(self, r, port=None): self.robots.append(r) self.robotsByName[] = r r.physics = self r.updateDevices() r._port = port if port != None: self.assoc[port] = r self.ports.append(port)
[docs] def step(self, run_brain=True): """ Advance the world by timeslice milliseconds. """ self.time += (self.timeslice / 1000.0) for r in self.robots: # if not running in a thread, call brain now: if run_brain: r.brain(r) # brain is a function that takes self collision = r.step(self.timeslice) for r in self.robots: r.updateDevices() self.stepCount += 1
[docs] def castRay(self, robot, x1, y1, a, maxRange = MAXRAYLENGTH, ignoreRobot=["self"], rayType="range"): # ignoreRobot: all, self, other; hits = [] x2, y2 = math.sin(a) * maxRange + x1, math.cos(a) * maxRange + y1 seg = Segment((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) # go down list of walls, and see if it hit anything: # check if it is not a light ray, or if it is, and not above walls: if (rayType != "light") or (rayType == "light" and not self.lightAboveWalls): for w in ## Direct light: retval = w.intersects(seg) if retval: dist = Segment(retval, (x1, y1)).length() if dist <= maxRange: hits.append( (dist, retval, w) ) # distance, hit, obj ## Ambient light: # go down list of robots, and see if you hit one: if "all" not in ignoreRobot: for r in self.robots: # don't hit your own bounding box if ignoreRobot == "self": if == and "self" in ignoreRobot: continue # don't hit other's bounding box if ignoreRobot == "other": if != and "other" in ignoreRobot: continue a90 = r._ga + PIOVER2 cos_a90 = math.cos(a90) sin_a90 = math.sin(a90) segments = [] if r.boundingBox != []: xys = map(lambda x, y: (r._gx + x * cos_a90 - y * sin_a90, r._gy + x * sin_a90 + y * cos_a90), r.boundingBox[0], r.boundingBox[1]) # for each of the bounding box segments: xys = list(xys) for i in range(len(xys)): w = Segment( xys[i], xys[i - 1]) # using the previous one completes the polygon w.color = r.color w.type = r.type w.robot = r segments.append(w) if r.boundingSeg != []: # bounding segments xys = map(lambda x, y: (r._gx + x * cos_a90 - y * sin_a90, r._gy + x * sin_a90 + y * cos_a90), r.boundingSeg[0], r.boundingSeg[1]) # for each of the bounding segments: xys = list(xys) for i in range(0, len(xys), 2): w = Segment( xys[i], xys[i + 1]) # assume that they come in pairs w.color = r.color w.type = r.type w.robot = r segments.append(w) for s in r.additionalSegments(False, r._gx, r._gy, cos_a90, sin_a90, color=r.color, type=r.type): segments.append(s) for w in segments: retval = w.intersects(seg) if retval: dist = Segment(retval, (x1, y1)).length() if dist <= maxRange: hits.append( (dist, retval, w) ) # distance,hit,obj if len(hits) == 0: return (None, None, None) else: return min(hits, key=lambda items: items[0])
[docs]class Shape(): def __init__(self): pass
[docs]class Box(Shape): """ >>> box = Box((0, 10), (5, 0)) >>> box.max_min() ((5, 10), (0, 0)) """ def __init__(self, ul, lr, outline="black", fill="white"): Shape.__init__(self) self.x1, self.y1 = ul self.x2, self.y2 = lr if isinstance(outline, str): self.outline = colorMap[outline] else: self.outline = outline if isinstance(fill, str): self.fill = colorMap[fill] else: self.fill = fill
[docs] def max_min(self): return ((max(self.x1, self.x2), max(self.y1, self.y2)), (min(self.x1, self.x2), min(self.y1, self.y2)))
[docs] def draw(self, canvas): outline, fill = self.outline, self.fill if canvas.display["wireframe"]: if fill != "white": outline = self.fill else: outline = "black" fill = "" canvas.drawRectangle( (self.x1), (self.y1), (self.x2), (self.y2), fill=fill, outline=outline)
[docs]class Polygon(Shape): def __init__(self, points, outline="black", fill="white"): Shape.__init__(self) self.points = points if isinstance(outline, str): self.outline = colorMap[outline] else: self.outline = outline if isinstance(fill, str): self.fill = colorMap[fill] else: self.fill = fill
[docs] def max_min(self): return ((max([xy[0] for xy in self.points]), max([xy[1] for xy in self.points])), (min([xy[0] for xy in self.points]), min([xy[1] for xy in self.points])))
[docs] def draw(self, canvas): outline, fill = self.outline, self.fill if canvas.display["wireframe"]: if fill != "white": outline = fill else: outline = "black" fill = "" xys = self.points canvas.drawPolygon(xys, fill=fill, outline=outline)
[docs]class Line(Shape): def __init__(self, p1, p2, outline="black", fill="white"): Shape.__init__(self) self.p1 = p1 self.p2 = p2 if isinstance(outline, str): self.outline = colorMap[outline] else: self.outline = outline if isinstance(fill, str): self.fill = colorMap[fill] else: self.fill = fill
[docs] def max_min(self): return ((max(self.p1[0], self.p2[0]), max(self.p1[1], self.p2[1])), (min(self.p1[0], self.p2[0]), min(self.p1[1], self.p2[1])))
[docs] def draw(self, canvas): x1, y1, x2, y2 = ((self.p1[0]), (self.p1[1]), (self.p2[0]), (self.p2[1])) canvas.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, outline=self.outline)
[docs]class Oval(Shape): def __init__(self, p1, p2, outline="black", fill="white"): Shape.__init__(self) self.p1 = p1 self.p2 = p2 if isinstance(outline, str): self.outline = colorMap[outline] else: self.outline = outline if isinstance(fill, str): self.fill = colorMap[fill] else: self.fill = fill
[docs] def max_min(self): return ((max(self.p1[0], self.p2[0]), max(self.p1[1], self.p2[1])), (min(self.p1[0], self.p2[0]), min(self.p1[1], self.p2[1])))
[docs] def draw(self, canvas): outline, fill = self.outline, self.fill if canvas.display["wireframe"]: if fill != "white": outline = fill else: outline = "black" fill = "" x1, y1, x2, y2 = ((self.p1[0]), (self.p1[1]), (self.p2[0]), (self.p2[1])) canvas.drawOval(x1, y1, x2, y2, fill=fill, outline=outline)
[docs]class Simulator(): """ >>> from jyro.simulator import (Pioneer, Simulator, Camera, ... PioneerFrontSonars, Gripper, ... PioneerFrontLightSensors) >>> def worldf(sim): ... sim.addBox(0, 0, 10, 10, fill="white", wallcolor="grey") # meters ... sim.addBox(1, 1, 2, 2, "purple") ... sim.addBox(7, 7, 8, 8, "purple") ... ## brightness of 1 is radius 1 meter ... sim.addLight(7, 7, 4.25, color=Color(255, 255, 0, 64)) >>> robot = Pioneer("Pioneer", 5.00, 5.00, math.pi / 2) # meters, radians >>> robot.addDevice(PioneerFrontSonars(maxRange=4.0)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <jyro.simulator.robot.Pioneer object at ...> >>> robot.addDevice(Gripper()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <jyro.simulator.robot.Pioneer object at ...> >>> robot.addDevice(PioneerFrontLightSensors(maxRange=1.0)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <jyro.simulator.robot.Pioneer object at ...> >>> robot.addDevice(Camera()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <jyro.simulator.robot.Pioneer object at ...> >>> robot.brain = lambda self: self.move(1, 1) >>> sim = Simulator(robot, worldf) >>> for i in range(10): ... sim.step() ..."canvas%d.svg" % i) """ def __init__(self, robot=None, worldf=None, size=None, gamepad=False, trace=False): if robot is None: self.robot = None self.robots = [] elif isinstance(robot, list): self.robot = robot[0] self.robots = robot else: self.robot = robot self.robots = [robot] self.worldf = worldf self.size = size if size else (400, 400) self.trace = trace self.canvas = self.makeCanvas() self.widgets = {} self.reset() self.physics.draw(self.canvas, trace=self.trace) self.widget = self.create_widgets(gamepad) if self.widget: display(self.widget) self.update_gui()
[docs] def makeCanvas(self): """ >>> def worldf(physics): ... physics.addBox(0, 5, 10, 0) >>> sim = Simulator(worldf=worldf) >>> sim.makeCanvas() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <jyro.simulator.canvas.Canvas object at ...> """ return Canvas(self.size)
[docs] def reset(self): self.canvas.reset() self.physics = Physics() if self.worldf is not None: self.worldf(self.physics) for robot in self.robots: robot.reset() self.physics.addRobot(robot) if self.widgets: self.update_gui()
[docs] def create_widgets(self, gamepad=False): pass
[docs] def render(self, canvas=None): if canvas is None: canvas = self.canvas self.physics.draw(canvas, trace=self.trace) return canvas
[docs] def save(self, filename):
[docs] def update(self): self.physics.draw(self.canvas, trace=self.trace)
[docs] def update_gui(self, data=None, set_angle=True): self.physics.draw(self.canvas, trace=self.trace) if data: print("%.2f seconds" % self.physics.time) for robot in self.robots: print(" %s: %s" % (, robot.getPose()))
[docs] def step(self, step_seconds=None, run_brain=False): ## Update Simulator: if step_seconds == 0: self.reset() self.physics.time = 0.0 elif step_seconds is None: self.physics.step(run_brain) else: for step in range(int(step_seconds/.1)): self.physics.step(run_brain) self.update_gui()
[docs] def get_image(self): if self.robot and self.robot.device["camera"]: image = self.robot.device["camera"].getImage() else: image ="RGB", (120, 60)) return image
[docs] def get_image_uri(self): return self.image_to_uri(self.get_image())
[docs] def image_to_uri(self, img_src): # Convert to binary data: b = io.BytesIO() try:, format='gif') except: return "" data = b.getvalue() data = base64.b64encode(data) if not isinstance(data, str): data = data.decode("latin1") return "data:image/gif;base64,%s" % html.escape(data)
[docs] def movie(self, poses, function, movie_name=None, start=0, stop=None, step=1, loop=0, optimize=True, duration=100, embed=False, mp4=True): """ Make a movie from a list of poses and a function. function(simulator, index) and returns a displayable. >>> from jyro.simulator import (Pioneer, Simulator, Camera, ... PioneerFrontSonars, Gripper, ... PioneerFrontLightSensors) >>> def worldf(sim): ... sim.addBox(0, 0, 10, 10, fill="white", wallcolor="grey") # meters ... sim.addBox(1, 1, 2, 2, "purple") ... sim.addBox(7, 7, 8, 8, "purple") ... ## brightness of 1 is radius 1 meter ... sim.addLight(7, 7, 4.25, color=Color(255, 255, 0, 64)) >>> robot = Pioneer("Pioneer", 5.00, 5.00, math.pi / 2) # meters, radians >>> robot.addDevice(PioneerFrontSonars(maxRange=4.0)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <jyro.simulator.robot.Pioneer object at ...> >>> robot.addDevice(Gripper()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <jyro.simulator.robot.Pioneer object at ...> >>> robot.addDevice(PioneerFrontLightSensors(maxRange=1.0)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <jyro.simulator.robot.Pioneer object at ...> >>> robot.addDevice(Camera()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <jyro.simulator.robot.Pioneer object at ...> >>> robot.brain = lambda self: self.move(1, 1) >>> sim = Simulator(robot, worldf) >>> from IPython.display import SVG >>> def function(simulator, index): ... cam_image = simulator.get_image() ... return simulator.canvas.render("pil") >>>[(0,0,0), (0,1,0)], function, movie_name="/tmp/movie.gif", mp4=False) <IPython.core.display.Image object> """ from IPython.display import Image if stop is None: stop = len(poses) frames = [] indices = [] for index in range(start, stop, step): self.robots[0].setPose(*poses[index]) self.update_gui() frames.append(function(self, index)) indices.append(index) if stop - 1 not in indices: self.robots[0].setPose(*poses[index]) self.update_gui() frames.append(function(self, stop - 1)) if movie_name is None: movie_name = "movie.gif" if frames: frames[0].save(movie_name, save_all=True, append_images=frames[1:], optimize=optimize, loop=loop, duration=duration) if mp4 is False: return Image(url=movie_name, embed=embed) else: return gif2mp4(movie_name)
[docs] def playback(self, poses, function, play_rate=0.0): """ Playback a list of poses. function(simulator) and returns displayable(s). >>> from jyro.simulator import (Pioneer, Simulator, Camera, ... PioneerFrontSonars, Gripper, ... PioneerFrontLightSensors) >>> def worldf(sim): ... sim.addBox(0, 0, 10, 10, fill="white", wallcolor="grey") # meters ... sim.addBox(1, 1, 2, 2, "purple") ... sim.addBox(7, 7, 8, 8, "purple") ... ## brightness of 1 is radius 1 meter ... sim.addLight(7, 7, 4.25, color=Color(255, 255, 0, 64)) >>> robot = Pioneer("Pioneer", 5.00, 5.00, math.pi / 2) # meters, radians >>> robot.addDevice(PioneerFrontSonars(maxRange=4.0)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <jyro.simulator.robot.Pioneer object at ...> >>> robot.addDevice(Gripper()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <jyro.simulator.robot.Pioneer object at ...> >>> robot.addDevice(PioneerFrontLightSensors(maxRange=1.0)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <jyro.simulator.robot.Pioneer object at ...> >>> robot.addDevice(Camera()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <jyro.simulator.robot.Pioneer object at ...> >>> robot.brain = lambda self: self.move(1, 1) >>> sim = Simulator(robot, worldf) >>> from IPython.display import SVG >>> def function(simulator, index): ... cam_image = simulator.get_image() ... return (simulator.canvas.render("pil"), ... cam_image.resize((cam_image.size[0] * 4, ... cam_image.size[1] * 4))) >>> sv = sim.playback([(0,0,0), (0,1,0)], function) """ def position_robot_at(index): self.robots[0].setPose(*poses[index]) self.update_gui() return function(self, index) sv = SequenceViewer("Jyro Playback", position_robot_at, len(poses), play_rate=play_rate) return sv
[docs] def display(self): """ Provide a representation of the simulation. """ return self
[docs]class VSimulator(Simulator): """ >>> from jyro.simulator import (Pioneer, Simulator, Camera, ... PioneerFrontSonars, Gripper, ... PioneerFrontLightSensors) >>> def worldf(sim): ... sim.addBox(0, 0, 10, 10, fill="white", wallcolor="grey") # meters ... sim.addBox(1, 1, 2, 2, "purple") ... sim.addBox(7, 7, 8, 8, "purple") ... ## brightness of 1 is radius 1 meter ... sim.addLight(7, 7, 4.25, color=Color(255, 255, 0, 64)) >>> robot = Pioneer("Pioneer", 5.00, 5.00, math.pi / 2) # meters, radians >>> robot.addDevice(PioneerFrontSonars(maxRange=4.0)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <jyro.simulator.robot.Pioneer object at ...> >>> robot.addDevice(Gripper()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <jyro.simulator.robot.Pioneer object at ...> >>> robot.addDevice(PioneerFrontLightSensors(maxRange=1.0)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <jyro.simulator.robot.Pioneer object at ...> >>> robot.addDevice(Camera()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <jyro.simulator.robot.Pioneer object at ...> >>> robot.brain = lambda self: self.move(1, 1) >>> sim = VSimulator(robot, worldf) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS VBox(...) >>> for i in range(10): ... sim.step() ..."canvas%d.svg" % i) """
[docs] def create_widgets(self, gamepad=False): step = ipywidgets.Button(icon="fa-step-forward") clear = ipywidgets.Button(description="Clear Output") play = ipywidgets.Play(max=1000000, show_repeat=False, layout={"width": "100%"}) refresh_button = Button(icon="refresh", layout=Layout(width="25%")) time = ipywidgets.Text(description="Time:", value="0.0 seconds") html_canvas = ipywidgets.HTML(value=self.canvas._repr_svg_()) output = ipywidgets.Output() camera_image = ipywidgets.HTML(value="""<img style="image-rendering: pixelated;" src="%s" width="240"/>""" % self.get_image_uri()) update = ipywidgets.Checkbox(description="Update GUI", value=True) trace = ipywidgets.Checkbox(description="Trace Path", value=self.trace) y = ipywidgets.FloatSlider(readout=False, orientation="vertical") x = ipywidgets.FloatSlider(readout=False, orientation="horizontal") html_canvas_with_sliders = ipywidgets.VBox( [ipywidgets.HBox([y, html_canvas]), x], layout={"height": "%spx" % (self.size[1] + 60)}) pan = ipywidgets.FloatSlider(readout=False, orientation="horizontal") camera_image_with_sliders = ipywidgets.VBox([camera_image, pan]) row1 = [html_canvas_with_sliders, camera_image_with_sliders] if gamepad: gamepad = ipywidgets.Controller() def init_gamepad(data): if len(data["owner"].buttons) != 0: data["owner"].buttons[0].observe(lambda data: self.robot.device["gripper"].open()) data["owner"].buttons[1].observe(lambda data: self.robot.device["gripper"].close()) data["owner"].axes[1].observe(lambda data: self.robot.move(-data["new"], 0), 'value') data["owner"].axes[0].observe(lambda data: self.robot.move(0, -data["new"]), 'value') data["owner"].unobserve(init_gamepad) gamepad.observe(init_gamepad) row1.append(gamepad) horz = ipywidgets.HBox(row1) title = ipywidgets.VBox([ipywidgets.HBox([update, trace, time]), horz]) controls = ipywidgets.HBox([step, play, clear, refresh_button]) vbox = ipywidgets.VBox([title, controls, output]) play.observe(self.step, 'value') refresh_button.on_click(lambda widget: self.reset()) step.on_click(lambda data: self.step({"new": -1})) # signal to step once clear.on_click(lambda data: self.widgets["output"].clear_output()) update.observe(self.update_gui, 'value') trace.observe(self.set_trace, 'value') x.observe(self.set_x, 'value') y.observe(self.set_y, 'value') pan.observe(self.set_a, 'value') y.layout = ipywidgets.Layout(height="%spx" % (self.size[1]), padding="0px 0px 0px 0px", width="15px") x.layout = ipywidgets.Layout(height="15px", padding="0px 0px 0px 10px", width="%spx" % (self.size[0] + 20)) # Camera pan scroll: pan.layout = ipywidgets.Layout(height="15px", padding="0px 0px 0px 0px", width="248px") self.widgets.update({ "step": step, "play": play, "refresh": refresh_button, "time": time, "html_canvas": html_canvas, "output": output, "camera_image": camera_image, "update": update, "pan": pan, "x": x, "y": y, "gamepad": gamepad, }) return vbox
[docs] def set_x(self, data): x, y, a = self.robot.getPose() new_x = data["new"]/100 * self.canvas.max_x # 0 to 100 self.robot.setPose(new_x, y, a) self.update_gui()
[docs] def set_trace(self, data): self.trace = data["new"]
[docs] def set_y(self, data): x, y, a = self.robot.getPose() new_y = data["new"]/100 * self.canvas.max_y # 0 to 100 self.robot.setPose(x, new_y, a) self.update_gui()
[docs] def set_a(self, data): x, y, a = self.robot.getPose() new_a = (100 - data["new"])/100 * math.pi * 2 self.robot.setPose(x, y, new_a) self.update_gui(set_angle=False)
[docs] def render(self, canvas=None): if canvas is not None: self.physics.draw(canvas, trace=self.trace) return canvas else: self.update_gui() return self.canvas
[docs] def update_gui(self, data=None, set_angle=True): self.physics.draw(self.canvas, trace=self.trace) self.widgets["html_canvas"].value = self.canvas._repr_svg_() if self.robot and self.robot.device["camera"]: self.widgets["camera_image"].value = """<img style="image-rendering: pixelated;" src="%s" width="240"/>""" % self.get_image_uri() x, y, a = self.robot.getPose() self.widgets["x"].value = (x/self.canvas.max_x) * 100 self.widgets["y"].value = (y/self.canvas.max_y) * 100 self.widgets["time"].value = "%.2f seconds" % self.physics.time if set_angle: self.widgets["pan"].value = 100 - ((a % (math.pi * 2))/(math.pi * 2)) * 100
[docs] def step(self, data={"new": 1}, run_brain=True): if data["new"] == 0: self.reset() self.physics.time = 0.0 elif not self.widgets["update"].value: step_size = 50 # each is 0.1 seconds for step in range(step_size): self.physics.step() else: with self.widgets["output"]: self.physics.step() ## Update GUI: if self.widgets["update"].value or data["new"] in [0, -1]: # -1: step; 0: reset self.update_gui() else: self.widgets["time"].value = "%.2f seconds" % self.physics.time
[docs] def display(self): """ Provide a representation of the simulation. """ return self.widget
class _Player(threading.Thread): """ Background thread for running a player. """ def __init__(self, controller, time_wait=0.5): self.controller = controller threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.time_wait = time_wait self.can_run = threading.Event() self.can_run.clear() ## paused self.daemon =True ## allows program to exit without waiting for join def run(self): while True: self.can_run.wait() self.controller.goto("next") time.sleep(self.time_wait) def pause(self): self.can_run.clear() def resume(self): self.can_run.set()
[docs]class SequenceViewer(VBox): def __init__(self, title, function, length, play_rate=0.5): self.player = _Player(self, play_rate) self.player.start() self.title = title self.function = function self.length = length self.output = Output() self.position_text = IntText(value=0, layout=Layout(width="100%")) self.total_text = Label(value="of %s" % self.length, layout=Layout(width="100px")) controls = self.make_controls() super().__init__([controls, self.output])
[docs] def goto(self, position): #### Position it: if position == "begin": self.control_slider.value = 0 elif position == "end": self.control_slider.value = self.length - 1 elif position == "prev": if self.control_slider.value - 1 < 0: self.control_slider.value = self.length - 1 # wrap around else: self.control_slider.value = max(self.control_slider.value - 1, 0) elif position == "next": if self.control_slider.value + 1 > self.length - 1: self.control_slider.value = 0 # wrap around else: self.control_slider.value = min(self.control_slider.value + 1, self.length - 1) self.position_text.value = self.control_slider.value
[docs] def toggle_play(self, button): ## toggle if self.button_play.description == "Play": self.button_play.description = "Stop" self.button_play.icon = "pause" self.player.resume() else: self.button_play.description = "Play" self.button_play.icon = "play" self.player.pause()
[docs] def make_controls(self): button_begin = Button(icon="fast-backward", layout=Layout(width='100%')) button_prev = Button(icon="backward", layout=Layout(width='100%')) button_next = Button(icon="forward", layout=Layout(width='100%')) button_end = Button(icon="fast-forward", layout=Layout(width='100%')) self.button_play = Button(icon="play", description="Play", layout=Layout(width="100%")) self.control_buttons = HBox([ button_begin, button_prev, self.position_text, button_next, button_end, self.button_play, ], layout=Layout(width='100%', height="50px")) self.control_slider = IntSlider(description=self.title, continuous_update=False, min=0, max=max(self.length - 1, 0), value=0, style={"description_width": 'initial'}, layout=Layout(width='100%')) ## Hook them up: button_begin.on_click(lambda button: self.goto("begin")) button_end.on_click(lambda button: self.goto("end")) button_next.on_click(lambda button: self.goto("next")) button_prev.on_click(lambda button: self.goto("prev")) self.button_play.on_click(self.toggle_play) self.control_slider.observe(self.update_slider_control, names='value') controls = VBox([HBox([self.control_slider, self.total_text], layout=Layout(height="40px")), self.control_buttons], layout=Layout(width='100%')) controls.on_displayed(lambda widget: self.initialize()) return controls
[docs] def initialize(self): results = self.function(self.control_slider.value) try: results = list(results) except: results = [results] self.displayers = [display(x, display_id=True) for x in results]
[docs] def update_slider_control(self, change): if change["name"] == "value": self.position_text.value = self.control_slider.value self.output.clear_output(wait=True) results = self.function(self.control_slider.value) try: results = list(results) except: results = [results] for i in range(len(self.displayers)): self.displayers[i].update(results[i])
## Utilities
[docs]def gif2mp4(filename): """ Convert an animated gif into a mp4, to show with controls. """ from IPython.display import HTML if filename.endswith(".gif"): filename = filename[:-4] if os.path.exists(filename + ".mp4"): os.remove(filename + ".mp4") retval = os.system("""ffmpeg -i {0}.gif -movflags faststart -pix_fmt yuv420p -vf "scale=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2" {0}.mp4""".format(filename)) if retval == 0: return HTML("""<video src='{0}.mp4' controls></video>""".format(filename)) else: print("error running ffmpeg; see console log message or use mp4=False")