Source code for jyro.simulator.device

from jyro.simulator.simulator import Segment
from jyro.simulator.color import colorMap, colorCode, colorNames

import math
import numpy as np
import PIL.Image
import PIL.ImageDraw

PIOVER180 = math.pi / 180.0
PIOVER2   = math.pi / 2.0

[docs]class Device(): def __init__(self, type): self.type = type = True def __len__(self): return 1
[docs] def update(self, robot): pass
[docs] def draw(self, robot, canvas): pass
[docs] def serialize(self, item='all'): """ item = 'all' or 'data' """ d = {} if item == 'all': d["type"] = self.type d["active"] = return d
[docs] def additionalSegments(self, propose, x, y, cos_a90, sin_a90, **dict): """ Add dynamic, extra bounding box segments to robot. """ pass
[docs] def step(self): pass
[docs]class Speech(Device): def __init__(self): Device.__init__(self, "speech") self.sayText = ""
[docs] def draw(self, robot, canvas): if self.sayText != "": # center of robot: canvas.drawText(x, y, self.sayText) # %
[docs] def serialize(self, item='all'): """ item = 'all' or 'data' """ d = Device.serialize(self, item) if item == 'all': d["sayText"] = self.sayText return d
[docs]class RangeSensor(Device): def __init__(self, name, geometry, arc, maxRange, noise=0.0): self.type = name = 1 # geometry = (x, y, a) origin in meters and radians self.geometry = geometry self.arc = arc self.maxRange = maxRange self.noise = noise self.groups = {} self.scan = [0] * len(geometry) # for data
[docs] def getData(self): return self.scan[:] # copy
[docs] def serialize(self, item='all'): """ item = 'all' or 'data' """ d = Device.serialize(self, item) if item == 'all': d["geometry"] = self.geometry d["arc"] = self.arc d["maxRange"] = self.maxRange d["noise"] = self.noise d["groups"] = self.groups d["scan"] = self.scan[:] # copy d["active"] = return d
def __len__(self): return len(self.geometry)
[docs] def update(self, robot): # measure and draw the new device data: # do some computations and save for speed a90 = robot._ga + PIOVER2 cos_a90 = math.cos(a90) sin_a90 = math.sin(a90) i = 0 for x, y, a in self.geometry: ga = (robot._ga + a) gx = robot._gx + (x * cos_a90 - y * sin_a90) gy = robot._gy + (x * sin_a90 + y * cos_a90) if robot.physics is None: self.scan[i] = 0 continue dist, hit, obj = robot.physics.castRay(robot, gx, gy, -ga, self.maxRange, rayType="range") if hit: if robot.display["devices"] == 1: robot.drawRay(self.type, gx, gy, hit[0], hit[1], "lightblue") else: hx, hy = math.sin(-ga) * self.maxRange, math.cos(-ga) * self.maxRange dist = self.maxRange if robot.display["devices"] == 1: robot.drawRay(self.type, gx, gy, gx + hx, gy + hy, robot.colorParts[self.type]) if self.type == "bumper": if dist < self.maxRange: self.scan[i] = 1 else: self.scan[i] = 0 else: self.scan[i] = dist i += 1
[docs]class LightSensor(Device): def __init__(self, geometry, maxRange, noise=0.0): """ geometry - list of [x, y, a] for each sensor maxRange - range of light, in meters """ self.type = "light" = 1 self.geometry = geometry self.arc = None self.maxRange = maxRange self.noise = noise self.groups = {} self.scan = [0] * len(geometry) # for data self.rgb = [[0,0,0] for g in geometry] self.ignore = ["self"] # can contain "self", "other", or "all" self.lightMode = "linear" # or "direct", "ambient"
[docs] def getData(self): return self.scan[:] # copy
[docs] def getPose(self, index): a90 = self.robot._ga + PIOVER2 # angle is 90 degrees off for graphics cos_a90 = math.cos(a90) sin_a90 = math.sin(a90) (bx, by, ba) = self.geometry[index] gx = self.robot._gx + bx * cos_a90 - by * sin_a90 gy = self.robot._gy + bx * sin_a90 + by * cos_a90 return (gx, gy)
[docs] def draw(self, robot, canvas): a90 = robot._ga + PIOVER2 # angle is 90 degrees off for graphics cos_a90 = math.cos(a90) sin_a90 = math.sin(a90) for (bx, by, ba) in self.geometry: x = robot._gx + bx * cos_a90 - by * sin_a90 y = robot._gy + bx * sin_a90 + by * cos_a90 radius = .025 canvas.drawCircle(x, y, radius, fill="yellow", outline="orange")
[docs] def serialize(self, item='all'): """ item = 'all' or 'data' """ d = Device.serialize(self, item) if item == 'all': d["geometry"] = self.geometry d["arc"] = self.arc d["maxRange"] = self.maxRange d["noise"] = self.noise d["groups"] = self.groups d["scan"] = self.scan[:] # copy d["rgb"] = self.rgb[:] # copy d["active"] = return d
[docs] def update(self, robot): min_dist_meters = 0.0 if self.lightMode == "linear" else 0.2 # for each light sensor: for i in range(len(self.geometry)): gx, gy = self.getPose(i) sum = 0.0 rgb = [0, 0, 0] if robot.physics is None: self.scan[i] = 0 continue for light in robot.physics.lights: # for each light source: x, y, brightness, light_rgb = light.x, light.y, light.brightness, light.rgb # FIXME: never using light_rgb seg = Segment((x,y), (gx, gy)) seg_length = seg.length() a = -seg.angle() + PIOVER2 dist, hit, obj = robot.physics.castRay(robot, x, y, a, seg_length - .1, ignoreRobot=self.ignore, rayType="light") # scaled over distance, but not zero: dist_to_light = min(max(seg_length, min_dist_meters), self.maxRange) / self.maxRange min_scaled_d = min_dist_meters/self.maxRange if self.lightMode == "ambient": maxValueAmbient = 1.0 / min_scaled_d intensity = (1.0 / dist_to_light) / maxValueAmbient elif self.lightMode == "direct": maxValueIntensity = 1.0 / (min_scaled_d ** 2) intensity = (1.0 / (dist_to_light ** 2)) / maxValueIntensity elif self.lightMode == "linear": intensity = 1.0 - dist_to_light if hit: intensity /= 2.0 # cut in half if in shadow sum += intensity * brightness if not hit: # no hit means it has a clear shot: if robot.display["devices"] == 1: robot.drawRay("light", x, y, gx, gy, "orange") else: if robot.display["devices"] == 1: robot.drawRay("lightBlocked", x, y, hit[0], hit[1], "purple") self.scan[i] = sum for c in [0, 1, 2]: self.rgb[i][c] = min(int(rgb[c]), 255)
[docs]class Gripper(Device): def __init__(self): self.type = "gripper" = 1 self.scan = [] self.objs = [] self.armLength = 0.200 # length of the paddles self.velocity = 0.0 # moving? self.openPosition = 0.12 self.closePosition = 0.0 self.pose = (0.225, 0, 0) # position of gripper on robot self.state = "open" self.armPosition = self.openPosition self.breakBeam = [] = []
[docs] def step(self): self.armPosition, self.velocity = self.moveWhere()
[docs] def additionalSegments(self, propose, x, y, cos_a90, sin_a90, **dict): x1, x2, x3, x4 = self.pose[0], self.pose[0] + self.armLength, self.pose[0], self.pose[0] + self.armLength y1, y2, y3, y4 = self.armPosition, self.armPosition, -self.armPosition, -self.armPosition if propose and self.velocity != 0.0: armPosition, velocity = self.moveWhere() y1, y2, y3, y4 = armPosition, armPosition, -armPosition, -armPosition xys = map(lambda nx, ny: (x + nx * cos_a90 - ny * sin_a90, y + nx * sin_a90 + ny * cos_a90), (x1, x2, x3, x4), (y1, y2, y3, y4)) xys = list(xys) segs = [Segment(xys[0], xys[1], type="gripper"), Segment(xys[2], xys[3], type="gripper")] # add colors, robots, etc: for s in segs: for key in dict: s.__dict__[key] = dict[key] return segs
[docs] def draw(self, robot, canvas): # draw grippers: # base: a90 = robot._ga + PIOVER2 # angle is 90 degrees off for graphics cos_a90 = math.cos(a90) sin_a90 = math.sin(a90) xy = [((robot._gx + x * cos_a90 - y * sin_a90), (robot._gy + x * sin_a90 + y * cos_a90)) for (x,y) in ((self.pose[0], self.openPosition), (self.pose[0], -self.openPosition))] canvas.drawLine(xy[0][0], xy[0][1], xy[1][0], xy[1][1], outline="black") # left arm: xs = [] ys = [] xs.append(self.pose[0]) ys.append(self.armPosition + 0.01) xs.append(self.pose[0] + self.armLength) ys.append(self.armPosition + 0.01) xs.append(self.pose[0] + self.armLength) ys.append(self.armPosition - 0.01) xs.append(self.pose[0]) ys.append(self.armPosition - 0.01) xy = map(lambda x, y: (robot._gx + x * cos_a90 - y * sin_a90, robot._gy + x * sin_a90 + y * cos_a90), xs, ys) xy = list(xy) canvas.drawPolygon(xy, fill="black", outline="black") # right arm: xs = [] ys = [] xs.append(self.pose[0]) ys.append(-self.armPosition + 0.01) xs.append(self.pose[0] + self.armLength) ys.append(-self.armPosition + 0.01) xs.append(self.pose[0] + self.armLength) ys.append(-self.armPosition - 0.01) xs.append(self.pose[0]) ys.append(-self.armPosition - 0.01) xy = map(lambda x, y: (robot._gx + x * cos_a90 - y * sin_a90, robot._gy + x * sin_a90 + y * cos_a90), xs, ys) xy = list(xy) canvas.drawPolygon(xy, fill="black", outline="black")
[docs] def serialize(self, item='all'): """ item = 'all' or 'data' """ d = Device.serialize(self, item) if item == 'all': d["armLength"] = self.armLength d["openPosition"] = self.openPosition d["closePosition"] = self.closePosition d["scan"] = self.scan[:] # copy d["active"] = d["velocity"] = self.velocity d["pose"] = self.pose d["breakBeam"] = self.breakBeam d["storage"] = d["state"] = self.state d["armPosition"] = self.armPosition return d
[docs] def close(self): self.state = "close" self.velocity = -0.01
[docs] def deploy(self): self.state = "deploy" self.velocity = 0.01
[docs] def store(self): self.state = "store" self.velocity = -0.01 for segment in self.objs: segment.robot.setPose(-1000.0, -1000.0, 0.0) if segment.robot not in segment.robot )
[docs] def open(self): self.state = "open" self.velocity = 0.01
[docs] def stop(self): self.state = "stop" self.velocity = 0.0
[docs] def moveWhere(self): armPosition = self.armPosition velocity = self.velocity if velocity > 0: # opening + armPosition += velocity if armPosition >= self.openPosition: armPosition = self.openPosition velocity = 0.0 elif velocity < 0: # closing - armPosition += velocity if armPosition <= self.closePosition: armPosition = self.closePosition velocity = 0.0 return armPosition, velocity
[docs] def isClosed(self): return self.velocity == 0 and self.armPosition == self.closePosition
[docs] def isOpened(self): return self.velocity == 0 and self.armPosition == self.openPosition
[docs] def isMoving(self): return self.velocity != 0
[docs] def update(self, robot): a90 = robot._ga + PIOVER2 cos_a90 = math.cos(a90) sin_a90 = math.sin(a90) # cast a ray in two places, set scan = 1 if it is "broken" x = self.pose[0] + .07 # first beam distance from center of robot y = self.armPosition # distance between arms self.scan = [0] * (2 + 3) # two beams, 3 sensors (no lift) self.objs = [] for i in range(2): # two beams gx = robot._gx + (x * cos_a90 - y * sin_a90) gy = robot._gy + (x * sin_a90 + y * cos_a90) ogx = robot._gx + (x * cos_a90 + y * sin_a90) ogy = robot._gy + (x * sin_a90 - y * cos_a90) if robot.physics is None: self.scan[i] = 0 continue dist,hit,obj = robot.physics.castRay(robot, gx, gy, -robot._ga + PIOVER2, 2 * y, rayType = "breakBeam") if hit: self.scan[i] = 1 self.objs.append(obj) # for gripping if robot.display["gripper"] == 1: # breaker beams robot.drawRay("gripper", gx, gy, ogx, ogy, "orange") elif robot.display["gripper"] == 1: robot.drawRay("gripper", gx, gy, ogx, ogy, "purple") x += .07 # distance between beams self.scan[2] = self.isClosed() self.scan[3] = self.isOpened() self.scan[4] = self.isMoving()
[docs]class Camera(Device): def __init__(self, width=60, height=40, field=120): """ field is in degrees """ self.type = "camera" = 1 self.depth = 3 self.scan = [] self.lights = [] self.width = width self.height = height self.field = field self.startAngle = (self.field * PIOVER180)/2 self.ground_color = colorMap["backgroundgreen"] self.sky_color = colorMap["lightblue"] self.colors_fade_with_distance = True
[docs] def draw(self, robot, canvas): bx = [ .14, .06, .06, .14] # front camera by = [-.06, -.06, .06, .06] a90 = robot._ga + PIOVER2 # angle is 90 degrees off for graphics cos_a90 = math.cos(a90) sin_a90 = math.sin(a90) xy = map(lambda x, y: (robot._gx + x * cos_a90 - y * sin_a90, robot._gy + x * sin_a90 + y * cos_a90), bx, by) xy = list(xy) canvas.drawPolygon(xy, fill="black")
[docs] def serialize(self, item='all'): """ item = 'all' or 'data' """ d = Device.serialize(self, item) if item == 'all': d["width"] = self.width d["height"] = self.height d["field"] = self.field d["startAngle"] = self.startAngle d["ground_color"] = self.ground_color d["sky_color"] = self.sky_color d["scan"] = self.scan[:] # copy d["active"] = d["lights"] = self.lights[:] # copy return d
[docs] def update(self, robot): x, y = robot._gx, robot._gy # camera location stepAngle = (self.field * PIOVER180) / float(self.width - 1) a = self.startAngle self.scan = [] self.lights = [] if robot.physics: for light in robot.physics.lights: seg = Segment((robot._gx, robot._gy), (light.x, light.y)) raw_angle = (seg.angle() - PIOVER2) % (math.pi * 2) diff = ((raw_angle - robot._ga + math.pi * 5/2) % (math.pi * 2)) - PIOVER2 self.lights.append((diff, seg.length())) for i in range(self.width): # FIX: move camera to self.pose; currently assumes robot center if robot.physics is None: self.scan.append((None, None, None, None)) continue ga = (robot._ga + a) distance, hit, obj = robot.physics.castRay(robot, x, y, -ga, ignoreRobot="self", rayType="camera") if obj != None: if i in [0, self.width - 1]: if robot.display["devices"] == 1: robot.drawRay("camera", x, y, hit[0], hit[1], "purple") dist = (10 - min(distance, 10))/10.0 # 10 meter range if obj.type == "wall": height = int(min(max((dist ** 2) * self.height/2.0, 1), self.height/2)) else: height = int(min(max((dist ** 2) * self.height/4.0, 1), self.height/4)) self.scan.append((colorCode[obj.color], height, distance, dist)) else: self.scan.append((None, None, None, None)) a -= stepAngle
[docs] def getData(self): """ Return the data as a 3D matrix in (width, height, channel) order. """ image = self.getImage() return np.array(image, "float32") / 255.0
[docs] def getImage(self): ## get all shapes, rectangles, circles, etc shapes = [] for w in range(self.width): (color, height, distance, dist) = self.scan[w] if color is not None: shapes.append(("line", distance, w, height, color, dist)) for light in self.lights: diff, d = light # d in meters x = self.width/2 - diff/(self.startAngle) * self.width/2 shapes.append(("light", d, diff, x)) img ="RGB", (60, 40), "white") draw = PIL.ImageDraw.Draw(img) ## draw ground and sky: draw.rectangle([(0, 0), (self.width, self.height/2)], fill=tuple(self.sky_color)) draw.rectangle([(0, self.height/2), (self.width, self.height)], fill=tuple(self.ground_color)) ## sort on distance from camera for shape in sorted(shapes, key=lambda tup: tup[1], reverse=True): ## draw furtherest ones to closest ones if shape[0] == "line": stype, distance, w, height, ccode, dist = shape h = (self.height - height)/2 y1 = h y2 = self.height - h if isinstance(ccode, str): ccode = colorMap[ccode] elif isinstance(ccode, int): ccode = colorMap[colorNames[ccode]] if self.colors_fade_with_distance: color = tuple([int(v * dist) for v in tuple(ccode)]) else: color = tuple([int(v) for v in tuple(ccode)]) draw.line([(w, y1), (w, y2)], fill=color, width=1) elif shape[0] == "light": stype, d, diff, x = shape MAXSIZE = 5 SIZE = 10 distance = (MAXSIZE - min(d, MAXSIZE))/MAXSIZE x1 = x - int(SIZE * distance) y1 = self.height/2 - int(SIZE * distance) x2 = x + int(SIZE * distance) y2 = self.height/2 + int(SIZE * distance) draw.ellipse([(x1, y1), (x2, y2)], fill=tuple(colorMap["yellow"])) else: raise Exception("Invalid shape") return img
[docs]class PioneerFrontSonars(RangeSensor): def __init__(self, maxRange=8.0, noise=0.0): RangeSensor.__init__(self, "sonar", geometry = (( 0.10, 0.175, 90 * PIOVER180), ( 0.17, 0.15, 65 * PIOVER180), ( 0.20, 0.11, 40 * PIOVER180), ( 0.225, 0.05, 15 * PIOVER180), ( 0.225,-0.05,-15 * PIOVER180), ( 0.20,-0.11,-40 * PIOVER180), ( 0.17,-0.15,-65 * PIOVER180), ( 0.10,-0.175,-90 * PIOVER180)), arc = 5 * PIOVER180, maxRange=maxRange, noise=noise) self.groups = {'all': range(8), 'front': (3, 4), 'front-left' : (1,2,3), 'front-right' : (4, 5, 6), 'front-all' : (1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6), 'left' : (0,), 'right' : (7,), 'left-front' : (1,2), 'right-front' : (5,6, ), 'left-back' : [], 'right-back' : [], 'back-right' : [], 'back-left' : [], 'back' : [], 'back-all' : []}
[docs]class PioneerFrontSonar(RangeSensor): def __init__(self, maxRange=8.0, noise=0.0): RangeSensor.__init__(self, "sonar", geometry = (( 0.0, 0.0, 0),), arc = 5 * PIOVER180, maxRange=maxRange, noise=noise) self.groups = {'all': [0]}
[docs]class PioneerBackSonars(RangeSensor): def __init__(self, maxRange=8.0, noise=0.0): RangeSensor.__init__(self, "sonar", geometry = (( -0.10,-0.175,-90 * PIOVER180), ( -0.17,-0.15, (180 + 65) * PIOVER180), ( -0.20,-0.11, (180 + 40) * PIOVER180), ( -0.225,-0.05,(180 + 15) * PIOVER180), ( -0.225, 0.05,(180 - 15) * PIOVER180), ( -0.20, 0.11, (180 - 40) * PIOVER180), ( -0.17, 0.15, (180 - 65) * PIOVER180), ( -0.10, 0.175,(180 - 90) * PIOVER180)), arc = 5 * PIOVER180, maxRange=maxRange, noise=noise) self.groups = {'all': range(8), 'front': [], 'front-left' : [], 'front-right' : [], 'front-all' : [], 'left' : (7, ), 'right' : (0, ), 'left-front' : [], 'right-front' : [], 'left-back' : (7, ), 'right-back' : (0, ), 'back-right' : (1, 2, 3), 'back-left' : (4, 5, 6), 'back' : (3, 4), 'back-all' : ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)}
[docs]class Pioneer16Sonars(RangeSensor): def __init__(self, maxRange=8.0, noise=0.0): RangeSensor.__init__(self, "sonar", geometry = (( 0.10, 0.175, 90 * PIOVER180), ( 0.17, 0.15, 65 * PIOVER180), ( 0.20, 0.11, 40 * PIOVER180), ( 0.225, 0.05, 15 * PIOVER180), ( 0.225,-0.05,-15 * PIOVER180), ( 0.20,-0.11,-40 * PIOVER180), ( 0.17,-0.15,-65 * PIOVER180), ( 0.10,-0.175,-90 * PIOVER180), ( -0.10,-0.175,-90 * PIOVER180), ( -0.17,-0.15, (180 + 65) * PIOVER180), ( -0.20,-0.11, (180 + 40) * PIOVER180), ( -0.225,-0.05,(180 + 15) * PIOVER180), ( -0.225, 0.05,(180 - 15) * PIOVER180), ( -0.20, 0.11, (180 - 40) * PIOVER180), ( -0.17, 0.15, (180 - 65) * PIOVER180), ( -0.10, 0.175,(180 - 90) * PIOVER180)), arc = 5 * PIOVER180, maxRange = maxRange, noise = noise) self.groups = {'all': range(16), 'front': (3, 4), 'front-left' : (1,2,3), 'front-right' : (4, 5, 6), 'front-all' : (1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6), 'left' : (0, 15), 'right' : (7, 8), 'left-front' : (0,), 'right-front' : (7, ), 'left-back' : (15, ), 'right-back' : (8, ), 'back-right' : (9, 10, 11), 'back-left' : (12, 13, 14), 'back' : (11, 12), 'back-all' : ( 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14)}
[docs]class Pioneer4Sonars(RangeSensor): def __init__(self, maxRange=8.0, noise=0.0): RangeSensor.__init__(self, "sonar", geometry = (( 0.225, 0.05, 15 * PIOVER180), ( 0.225,-0.05,-15 * PIOVER180), ( -0.225,-0.05,(180 + 15) * PIOVER180), ( -0.225, 0.05,(180 - 15) * PIOVER180), ), arc = 5 * PIOVER180, maxRange = maxRange, noise = noise) self.groups = {'all': range(4), 'front': (0, 1), 'front-left' : (0,), 'front-right' : (1,), 'front-all' : (0,1), 'left' : [], 'right' : [], 'left-front' : [], 'right-front' : [], 'left-back' : [], 'right-back' : [], 'back-right' : (2,), 'back-left' : (3,), 'back' : (2, 3), 'back-all' : ( 2, 3)}
[docs]class PioneerFrontLightSensors(LightSensor): def __init__(self, maxRange): # make sure outside of bb! LightSensor.__init__(self, ((.225, .175, 0), (.225, -.175, 0)), maxRange, noise=0.0) self.groups = {"front-all": (0, 1), "all": (0, 1), "front": (0, 1), "front-left": (0, ), "front-right": (1, ), 'left' : (0,), 'right' : (1,), 'left-front' : (0,), 'right-front' : (1, ), 'left-back' : [], 'right-back' : [], 'back-right' : [], 'back-left' : [], 'back' : [], 'back-all' : []}
[docs]class Pioneer4FrontLightSensors(LightSensor): def __init__(self, maxRange): # make sure outside of bb! LightSensor.__init__( self, ( (.225, .175, 0), (.225, .0875, 0), (.225, -.0875, 0), (.225, -.175, 0), ), maxRange, noise=0.0) self.groups = {"front-all": (0, 1, 2, 3), "all": (0, 1, 2, 3), "front": (1, 2), "front-left": (0, ), "front-right": (3, ), 'left' : (0, 1), 'right' : (2, 3), 'left-front' : (0,), 'right-front' : (3, ), 'left-back' : [], 'right-back' : [], 'back-right' : [], 'back-left' : [], 'back' : [], 'back-all' : []}
[docs]class MyroIR(RangeSensor): def __init__(self): RangeSensor.__init__(self, "ir", geometry = (( 0.175, 0.13, 45 * PIOVER180), ( 0.175,-0.13,-45 * PIOVER180)), arc = 5 * PIOVER180, maxRange = 0.5, noise = 0.0) self.groups = {'all': range(2), 'front': (0, 1), 'front-left' : (0, ), 'front-right' : (1, ), 'front-all' : (0, 1,), 'left' : (0,), 'right' : (1,), 'left-front' : (0, ), 'right-front' : (1, ), 'left-back' : [], 'right-back' : [], 'back-right' : [], 'back-left' : [], 'back' : [], 'back-all' : []}
[docs]class MyroBumper(RangeSensor): def __init__(self): RangeSensor.__init__(self, "bumper", geometry = (( 0.20, 0.0, 80 * PIOVER180), ( 0.20, 0.0,-80 * PIOVER180)), arc = 5 * PIOVER180, maxRange = 0.20, noise = 0.0) self.groups = {'all': range(2), 'front': (0, 1), 'front-left' : (0, ), 'front-right' : (1, ), 'front-all' : (0, 1,), 'left' : (0,), 'right' : (1,), 'left-front' : (0, ), 'right-front' : (1, ), 'left-back' : [], 'right-back' : [], 'back-right' : [], 'back-left' : [], 'back' : [], 'back-all' : []}
[docs]class MyroLightSensors(LightSensor): def __init__(self): LightSensor.__init__(self, ((.18, .13, 0), (.18, -.13, 0)), maxRange, noise=0.0) self.groups = {"front-all": (0, 1), "all": (0, 1), "front": (0, 1), "front-left": (0, ), "front-right": (1, ), 'left' : (0,), 'right' : (1,), 'left-front' : (0,), 'right-front' : (1, ), 'left-back' : [], 'right-back' : [], 'back-right' : [], 'back-left' : [], 'back' : [], 'back-all' : []}
[docs]class DepthCamera(Camera): def __init__(self, maxDist, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.maxDist = maxDist
[docs] def getImage(self): ## get all shapes, rectangles, circles, etc shapes = [] for w in range(self.width): (color, height, distance, dist) = self.scan[w] if color is not None: color = int(255 - max(min(distance/self.maxDist, 1.0), 0.0) * 255) shapes.append(("line", distance, w, height, color, dist)) img ="RGB", (60, 40), "white") draw = PIL.ImageDraw.Draw(img) ## draw ground and sky: for row in range(int(self.height/2)): dist = row/(self.height/2) color = int(255 - max(min(dist, 1.0), 0.0) * 255) draw.line([(0, row), (self.width, row)], fill=(color, color, color), width=1) draw.line([(0, self.height - row), (self.width, self.height - row)], fill=(color, color, color), width=1) ## sort on distance from camera for shape in sorted(shapes, key=lambda tup: tup[1], reverse=True): ## draw furtherest ones to closest ones if shape[0] == "line": stype, distance, w, height, ccode, dist = shape h = (self.height - height)/2 y1 = h y2 = self.height - h color = int(255 - max(min(distance/self.maxDist, 1.0), 0.0) * 255) draw.line([(w, y1), (w, y2)], fill=(color,color,color), width=1) else: raise Exception("Invalid shape") return img